- Colbern, Allan and S. Karthick Ramakrishnan. 2020. “Citizenship Reimagined: A New Framework for State Rights in the United States.” Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
- Colbern, Allan. Manuscript in Progress. “Today’s Runaway Slaves: Unauthorized Immigrants in a Federalist Framework.” New York City, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. Supported by Grant # 78-18-05 from the Russell Sage Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Featured in ASU Now. Featured in TEDxASUWest Talk, We Have Been Here Before.
Journal Articles
- Colbern, Allan, Melanie Amoroso-Pohl*, and Courtney Gutiérrez*. 2019. “Contextualizing Sanctuary Policy Development in the United States: Conceptual and Constitutional Underpinnings, 1979 to 2018.” Fordham Urban Law Journal 46, no. 3: 489.
- Colbern, Allan, and S. Karthick Ramakrishnan. 2018. “Citizens of California: How the Golden State Went from Worst to First on Immigrant Rights.” New Political Science40, no. 2: 353–67.
- S. Karthick Ramakrishnan and Allan Colbern. 2015. “The California Package: Immigrant Integration and the Evolving Nature of State Citizenship,” Policy Matters 6:3 (1-19).
- Colbern, Allan. 2021. "Immigration Policy." In Immigrant California Understanding the Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Policy, Edited by David Scott FitzGerald and John Skrentny. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
- Colbern, Allan. 2017. “California’s Dark Past and Bright Future on Immigration Policy.” California Immigration Research Initiative Brief, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego, CIRI RB# 2 (1-33).
- Colbern, Allan and S. Karthick Ramakrishnan. 2016. “State Policies on Immigrant Integration: An Examination of Best Practices and Policy Diffusion,” UCR School of Public Policy Working Paper Series (1-20).
- Colbern, Allan. 2015. “American Political Development’s Approach to Conceptualization, And Why This Matters for Mainstream Political Science,” Clio Newsletter of Politics & History (APSA), 25, 2 (Summer).
Select Op-Eds and Blog Posts
- Allan Colbern, Chris Haynes, Jennifer L. Merolla, and Karthick Ramakrishnan. 2019. "What Americans Really Think about California’s Auto Emissions Waiver- and What Could Change Their Minds." The Monkey Cage. September 25.
- Colbern, Allan. 2015. “Sanctuaries for “Illegals” have historically been good for American Democracy.” Politics of Color. September 22.
- Colbern, Allan. 2015. “The House Is Picking a Fight with ‘sanctuary City’ Ordinances. How Is This like the Fugitive Slave Laws?” The Monkey Cage. August 13.
- S. Karthick Ramakrishnan and Allan Colbern. 2015. “Immigration Reform: ‘The California Package.’” Los Angeles Times, June 24, sec. Op-Ed.